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My affinity for violets started when I got a really bad case of mastitis. It was completely and utterly miserable. I had never experienced such a severe case. Not long prior to this, I had become obsessed with wild violets. They intrigued me and I tried to soak up everything I could about them, through literature and herbal documentaries. Fast forward, I woke up one morning  with a 104 fever and was uncontrollable shivering. Confused and scared I then noticed the hard, hot to the touch mass that had formed over night. The entire day was a blur. At times I was so weak I couldn't even lift my head to drink water. I was taking Fire Tonic, sunflower lecithin, Dandelion root & Olive leaf infusions, raw garlic, massaging, nursing, pumping, Echinacea tincture.  I'm sure I'm forgetting some other things, but I was determined to hit it hard and fast. I couldn't imagine going to the cold ER and then getting prescribed antibiotics. I don't think I would be able to continue nursing if that happened. I didn't want to take the chance of causing issues with my daughters gut flora. After hoping and hoping to find wild violets and several friends also keeping their eyes out (it was pretty early in Spring and they weren't in full bloom yet) a sweet friend found a big patch, harvested and brought me them. I Immediately made a strong Violet decoction and a Violet honey poultice. An hour later my fever finally broke and is down from 104 to 99.

Wild Violets are nourishing, soothing and cooling and have long been used to fight inflammation and infection. It's a vitamin rich plant (including vitamin A and C, for those worried about measles ). Violets are also considered an expectorant, and it's mucilage is incredibly soothing for stubborn dry coughs. It's a food herb, so while being a powerful plant the flowers are also gentle-even for the smallest bodies. Violets are wonderful for women, especially for breast health. Taken internally as well as externally as a poultice or salve they provide relief in mastitis symptoms and other breast health issues. As a lymphagogue, Violets are wonderful for the lymphatic system, which makes sense why they're such an ally for breast health. They also contain low low levels of methyl salicylate which acts as aspirin. While this isn't the Violet's predominant use, it does possess some pain relieving properties to help with the migraines and body pains. Violets are wonderful metabolism support too

This tincture is made with beautiful wood and marsh wild violet flowers and leaves harvested in the beautiful upper peninsula of Michigan on the Blessing Moon Herbs North Woods Farm situated between the Hiawatha national forest and Seney Wildlife preserve. We use Non GMO Vegetable Glycerin derived from coconuts and is naturally sweet!

Wild Violet Tincture (Glycerite)



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