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It's getting to be that time of year again. Tick check tick check tick check

Tick Bite Tincture. We keep this on hand (in my purse actually) throughout the warm months.

I've met so many beautiful souls struggling with Lyme and other tick borne illnesses. It's heart breaking and something that I knew would be on my radar when we moved here. Lyme is one of the fastest growing epidemics and it is not talked about nearly enough. I created a tincture to have on hand during the warmer months, because with warmth comes ticks, mosquitoes and all the bugs. Which means tick checks are on the horizon. This tincture can be taken during the warmer months if you frequent the outdoors, or if you have a bite in question.

Japanese Knotweed, this plant seems to pop up where Lyme and other tick borne illnesses are on the rise. Its been traditionally used as a tonic against Lyme and symptoms of co-infections as it has high resveratrol levels. Then there's TOA free Catsclaw which contains compounds that help the body get rid of harmful bacteria as well as aiding with good gut flora. Astragalus root helps stimulate the immune system to aid with clearing the body of microbes, and Teasel root is used to pull the hidden Borrelia bacteria from tissues so your body can fight it You'll want this one in your back pocket this summer

Ingredients: Wildcrafted Japanese Knotweed, Organic Catsclaw, Organic Astragalus Root, Wildcrafted Teasel root, Non GMO Vegan Glycerin

Tick Bite Tincture

SKU: 0005
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