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Tallow Magnesium Body Butter- Lymph mover 🌿

Spring is a great time for lymphatic support, moving and supporting our elimination systems. Just as our liver & lymph nourishment tincture came about, over the years, I've learned just how interconnected the liver and lymphatic system is. You can not have one functioning without the other. They work together to remove waste, bacteria and viruses, dead tissue, toxins, and so on. Let’s call it the liver and lymph connection. If your liver is suffering, your lymphatic system is also suffering and vice versa. The liver is the largest lymph producing organ. Supporting and nourishing these systems internally is incredibly important. However, you can also support these systems transdermally. My goal was to create a massage butter that can be used both in lymphatic massage as well as conventional massage with the added herbal support to really get the lymph flowing.

Additionally, magnesium is an incredibly important mineral through lymphatic decongestive treatments. It has been shown to play one of the most crucial roles in supporting a healthy lymphatic and immune function. Magnesium is able to get into the lymphatic system beneath the dermis. About 80% of Americans are deficient in magnesium, and this sole deficiency cause so many issues and even other deficiencies! From anxiety, headaches, low energy, insomnia, restless legs, sore muscles, growing pains. The list goes on and on. Magnesium also helps us absorb other vitamins and minerals, so if you're deficient in magnesium, chances are you have other deficiencies too. Studies have shown that the most effective way to up your magnesium is through transdermal application, as it has the best and fastest absorption. Magnesium oil works great but tends to have an unpleasant sting to the skin during application. In this body butter, the magnesium oil is paired with Tallow to help soothe and moisturize the skin as well as increase bioavailability. The soothing nature of tallow allows us to avoid the unpleasant sting that the magnesium oil by itself causes (still, avoid application on open cuts and sensitive areas like the face and such). Tallow plays several roles, though, and aside from allowing for better bioavailability, it also stimulates lymph fluid drainage 🥰

This body butter is crafted with wildcrafted Cedar, Juniper Berries, and Wolfs foot. Extracted in avocado oil. Combined with magnesium and tallow to allow for maximum absorbancy and pine resin for a lovely gentle borealis backwoods scent.

Let's meet the plants!

Wolfs foot is incredibly rich and multi supportive. I won't go too much into it here as I just did a while post on Club moss. However, the reason I included it in this lotion is because it's a wonderful lymphatic mover. Club moss encourages the bodies detoxification.

Cedar purges the lymph nodes and removes harmful toxins which aids in a healthy immune response.

Juniper berries are detoxifiers and cleansers. They aid in lymphatic drainage and circulation. It's especially helpful in clearing congestion in the skin and promoting circulation.

Lastly, a little more on tallow for the skin and PUFA. The healing that tallow offers is backed by time-honored traditions. These are the methods our ancestors used. The original care. Most natural products we use on our skin these days are filled with inflammatory PUFAs, which are unstable and can be toxic to the body. Tallow, on the other hand, is far more balanced and offers stability and slows oxidation. Tallow is also loaded with bioavailable nutrients, both for your skin and internally. Let's go down the rabbit hole of polyunsaturated fatty acids - aka PUFAs.

Skin care products that are made with PUFAs and touted to be anything and everything for our skin. I've certainly used plenty of them for myself, for my family, and in products. They have so many great qualities, and I'm not going to sit here and say they're all bad, but moderation is certainly key as with everything. Essentially, the issue with PUFAs is that they are most times unstable and this leads to oxidation (damage and deterioration) when they're exposed to light, heat or air (so, anytime they're on our skin). Their molecules have double bonds, rendering them weak and easily broken. So why does any of this matter? Well, when these oils on your skin oxidize, it creates a free radical cascade, which damages what may have been previously UNdamaged lipids in your skin. PUFAs have now been identified as the main culprit of cellular damage. In fact, there have actually been studies done of internal use of PUFAs vs not, and how quickly the individual consuming PUFAs skin starts to get damaged and deterioration sets in, because what you eat affects your skin too.

I'm SO incredibly excited for this new mag butter and its versatility. I hope you all love it as much as me! All of these body butters will come with a lymphatic massage print out as well :)

Tallow Magnesium Body Butter- Lymph Mover



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