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Rock Rose

Cistus Incanus


Initially this herb was brought to my attention for some controversial uses that I'm not going to dive in to here. Though, after researching and working with this plant I've fallen head over heals with it. Rock Rose definitely falls into the category of one of the most underestimated and underappreciated plant ally.

Rock Rose, found to have incredibly potent antibacterial, antiviral, anti-mold and anti-fungal properties. Often used with much success to aid in treating everything from candida to staph. There's even research being done to show how effective it is at removing heavy metals from the body. Not a "detox" per se, but more supporting the body to be able to do what it's made to do. Rock Rose has been in many studies in the last decade or two and has proven itself to be great immune support and have the ability to keep viruses from replicating in the body (much like Elderberry!). Rock Rose is also held highly for it's ability to break the biofilm for chronic and persistent underlying infections. This herb is never talked about when people talk about "super foods" but it's antioxidant content is higher then most of those super foods! It is one of the highest polyphenol plants. Now this isn't all new information either. This herb has been around for a long time. In fact, the book of Genesis even references Cistus plants.

Now are you guys ready for something exciting? It's thought that folks that regularly consume Rock Rose tea, or tincture, are less likely to get bitten by mosquitos and ticks! This actually made headlines back in 2010. Bug repellent from the inside out. Yet somehow it's fallen back under the radar. There also aren't any know side effects of Rock Rose. As always though, run it by your medical provider before starting starting herbal regimen. This is for informational purposes only and not meant to claim or treat. Be your own advocate.


-Reviews from our sweet sweet customers-

*My love for this tincture came about due to it’s controversial use during the pandemic.After trying to get pregnant for months and then an early loss I knew I needed something to support and protect my body from all the things floating around thanks to our friends at P, M, and J.Somehow Brittany knew what I needed right around the time I needed it and my family and I have been taking Rock Rose daily ever since. I love that it is safe for my whole family to take so that we can all benefit from all of its anti properties (antiviral, antioxidant, antibacterial, etc). ~-KayleighRock Rose Tincture

Rock Rose Tincture

SKU: 0012


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