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Crafted with Organic Mullein leaf, Organic Marshmallow root, Organic Elecampane, Organic Elderflower, Organic Ginger root, Organic Ceylon Cinnamon and Organic Lemon peel

With herbal remedies it's about supporting the entire body and using herbs to support the healing process, not suppressing symptoms. When you suppress, you may feel better for a moment, but ultimately it prolongs the illness and doesnt give your body a chance to heal properly. For example, when you cough-most times it's your body trying to get mucus riddled with germs out of your lungs. However, that can also cause pain and swelling throughout our respiratory tract, headaches, loss of sleep, ect. It is possible to support your body in healing, while also staying comfortable. In this blend, we use herbs that have been proven to stregthen and heal the lungs (my favorite herb for the lungs, Elecampane), as well as herbs that help to coat and soothe inflammed mucus membranes (for example, Marshmallow root because of its wonderful mucilage), herbs that keep congestion to a minimum (thank you Mullein ), herbs like Elderflower that support the immune system in a gentle way and even has diaphoretic properties to aid with those fevers. All while being expectorants to move mucus that may be stuck in the lungs up and out. This syrup was crafted to aid with healing for your most common respiratory ailments. Crafted with local raw honey

Respiratory Support Syrup



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