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I'll be adding a new product to the site today, one that we've been using since November. I made a good half gallon batch this last round so we have plenty to share.

Back in November, I was in the hospital with my son in the PICU. We were urgently sent there after he started slipping into a coma. Come to find out, my sweet baby, at just over 1 year old, had type 1 diabetes. This was something we had fought for months to find out, though diabetes wasnt on my radar. I just knew something was seriously wrong. We were completely failed by the medical system. Being brushed off everywhere we turned, denied testing and continously told "he must just have a virus, it'll pass".  We went from ER to ER with an incredibly sick child that could hardly lift his head, covered from head to toe on yeast rashes, eyes glazed over with the spark completely gone. When we were finally taken seriously, and with a single blood draw we found our answers. While we were hospitalized I was reading every peer reviewed article I could get my hands on, ordered every book, watched every documentary on children with type 1. I spoke to naturopathic doctors, other moms, diabetic educators, the list goes on. As an herbalist, my first avenue to support my baby during this huge life altering diagnosis was herbs. I came across the Insulin plant. I ordered 4lbs before we even left the hospital from a sweet small family grower. She dries her herbs over her wood stove, so when they arrived to me, they contained that subtle scent leaving the comforting warmth of the wood stove. Now, this plant is not normally utilized for type 1, but more for type 2 when the pancreas still has the ability to produce insulin. Whereas with type 1, it's an autoimmune disease and the body has attacked and killed the insulin producing beta cells. There is no cure for type 1. However, the Insulin plant still peaked my interest because of how it supports the pancreas as a whole, and because of its cell regenerative properties. In my mind, theoretically, if you can regenerate the beta cells, you can cure diabetes. Theoretically, if the child is in the "honeymoon" phase of type 1, and has some surviving beta cells, if we can address the trigger that caused this autoimmune disorder while also making sure to take care of those last surviving beta cells, we can keep the situation from escalating. I'm not a scientist and I surely haven't found the cure for anything. I'm just a mom and herbalist trying to help my baby. We know after lots of testing that the trigger for him was pesticide poisoning. We removed him from that environment and have already seen significant improvement. So now, addressing the inflammation the pesticide poisoning caused (we give him Japanese Knotweed though the insulin plant has wonderful anti-inflammatory properties too), move the heavy metals out (we give him Rock rose) and continue taking care of that pancreas- enter the Insulin plant. As a diabetic, so many of his organs are at risk. His kidneys, liver, bladder. The insulin plant has been proven to support those organs to help keep them healthy. The insulin plant helps the body retain salt and water, which is a big deal for him because having diabetes puts him at a much higher risk for severe dehydration. As a diabetic, he also experiences more pain than most kids his age from the fluctuation of blood sugars and the affect it has on his nerves. The insulin plant contains anodyne, which helps manage and relieve the pain in his nervous system.

That's just our story and our supportive measures through this wild disease and the plants we've found helpful. But the Insulin plant has so much to offer for so many individuals. I highly recommend looking into it to see if it feels like good support for your body <3

So with that, I present the Insulin plant Glycerite/Tincture

Insulin Plant Glycerite



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