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Elderflower Rose Face Cream- with Tallow and Cocoa butter and Rose phytoscent. A decadent chocolatey rose treat for your skin 🥰 a new spin on our classic Elderflower Rose Face Cream!

This whipped chocolatey rose face cream is made with Mutton Tallow (my favorite tallow to work with as its so light and fluffy and smells amazing) infused with Elderflower, Rose petals, Calendula, and Shisandra berries (all organic). Rose water infused with hibiscus petals which lends the beautiful color, Cocoa butter, and Non gmo emulsifying wax. Preserved with the natural synergy preserve, coconut derived.

Keep in mind, the pink pigment comes from Hibiscus. We don'tuse any dyes.. So every batch will vary, and the pink will eventually fade over time.

Most natural products we use on our skin these days are filled with inflammatory PUFAs which are unstable and can be toxic to the body. Tallow on the other hand is far more balanced and offers stability and slows oxidation. Tallow is also loaded with bioavailable nutrients, both for your skin and internally.

These tallow products will even enhance hydrosols!! You see, if you utilize hydrosols  topically, and then apply the cream, you're trapping the hydrosol on your skin and keeping it from evaporating. This combination fully hydrates and moisturizes. In the same way that works, the rose water in this skin food is trapped and bound to the skin paired with the Tallow, lending incredible hydration and nourishment.

For the herbs infused in this skin food, Elderflower is well known for it's amazing benefits to the skin. From tightening to softening and even reducing rashes, blemishes and acne. Rose is also pretty well known for its healing abilities for the skin. It has anti inflammatory properties and is most commonly used to aid with reducing redness and irritated skin. Calendula is another incredible gentle healer and has shown to be extremely beneficial to dry skin and damaged skin. And lastly, Shisandra berries. I dont want to turn this post into a whole thing about Shisandra, but I've been obsessed with this plant. I learned about it years back as an aid in mental health, but also found out about its incredible antioxidant count that when used topically and internally has been found to work wonders to aid with healthy, rejuvenated and vibrant skin.

The scent this skin food lends is one of decadent chocolate and rose. The Rose phytoscent is a botanical extract, lending all of the plants constituents rather than just the volatile oils. It's also incredibly gentle. The gentle chocolatey scent comes from the cocoa butter, which is a wonderful SFA and whos molecular structure will not oxidize, making it a wonderfully healing and hydrating butter

These come in 4oz jars!

Elderflower Rose Face Cream



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