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Ever since electroculture farming was brought to my headspace, I've felt so drawn to the whole concept with excitment growing the more and more I learn. Perhaps a new concept for me, this growing method has been around for a long time (since the 1700s) with text books emerging in the 1800s about it. I plan to have a copper system in the garden, each bed having a copper grounding rod as well as utilizing copper for the bees.

Through learning about copper in the garden, it opened the window and led me down the rabbit whole about copper and how it interacts with the human body in general. More in depth then the chemistry I already knew. Both good and bad in large quantities. I was somewhat familiar with the benefits of copper as a vessel just in distilling hydrosols, as my still is an alembic copper still.

Copper was the main drinking water vessel material and used for its health benefits for at least 10,000 years. So it's certainly not a new concept. This trace is a trace element, so we only need minimal amounts of it, however deficiencies are common. Similarly to Magnesium, it plays a crucial role in many body functions. Energy production, connective tissues, cognitive health and so much more. It's proven to have antimicrobial properties, is an anti inflammatory, anti carcinogenic and antioxidant. You'll often find it utilized in Ayurveda.

Now, obviously there is always a balance and like everything else too much of a good thing can cause toxicity, both in the human body as well as plants.

For gardening, the concept of electrofarming allows for increased yields and healthier plants, reduced pests and disease and improved soil. Even stimulating plant roots to allow for more efficient water consumption, therefore needing less water. All of these things provide a lower carbon foot print.

It's fascinating truly, and some might see it as a bit out there but the studies are definitely intriguing and exciting.

While gathering materials for electrofarming. Getting together grounding rods and copper, I learned about some of the benefits of copper jewerly. Jewerly making isn't related to herbalism at all, but I love working with antlers and other natural materials to make jewerly. It's a fun creative outlet for me, so I was excited to get to work on some copper! It's been said, and a long time concept that wearing copper helps to ease arthritic and other aches and pains. It's also been studied as immune support! The phagocytes in the body use copper concentrations to fight off bacteria. This trace mineral is essential in helping protect the body from disease. Copper is also known for boosting collagen production and elastin. This is beneficial in several ways, including for the cardiovascular system. The copper helps keep the aorta strong and connected.

One disclaimer, copper in its raw form can cause skin discoloration. It's a normal, completely safe and non toxic response to oxidation. I could seal the rings, however I felt that would negate the benefits of wearing copper.

Please include in order notes if you would like a band or wire ring along with your ring size

Copper ring

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