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The Censored tincture is officially back! There's some updated information that's come to light about the herbs in the blend. Specifically the knotweed and the connection to resolving parasites. When we had covid we took the Censored tincture and Houttuynia Cordata

I made this tincture back in August just for our family, but was able to bottle some extras, and started another large batch. Not to take regularly, but just if we end up needing it. I started making a tea blend with these herbs as well, though not tasty at ALL😆 Here are my findings on Japanese Knotweed root, Schisandra Berries, Andrographis, Boneset and Blue Vervain

Japanese Knotweed- pretty well known at this point for Lyme, however more and more studies are coming out showing just how incredible it is for immunomodulation. Its been found to protect ACE2 (enzymes attached to cells in the lungs, heart, kidneys, liver ect) by preventing viral attachment. It's been shown to be a powerful anti inflammatory and contains vitamin A and C, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and manganese. All are incredibly important right now. It has high resveratrol levels, more then any other plant that we know of. Its been found to help keep arteries and blood vessels dialted to help prevent blood clots.

Boneset- considered a miracle herb during Spanish influenza and was traditionally used to aid with respiratory inflammation, joint/muscle aches and fever. It was often used to treat bronchitis and pneumonia

Blue Vervain. I'm starting to get to know this herb well and it's becoming a favorite. It was traditionally used by Native Americans as a antispasmodic relaxing expectorant. Quieting coughs but also expelling mucus from the lungs. Its wonderful respiratory support. Its been found to support bronchial health and a healthy mucosal response in the lungs. Its been used traditionally to promote a healthy inflammatory response to fever as well as a healthy immune response. Its a nervine, which is incredibly important right now as anxiety plays a huge roll in illness. Nervines are restorative herbs. They soothe and nourish the nervous system. Blue Vervain also has been found to support the liver and kidneys

Andrographis-aka-The King of Bitters. This herb has been used for thousands of years and is definitely time honored. Andrographis is a powerful adaptogen and immune supportive herb. It's broad acting and potent which makes this such a versatile remedy, though it may be most well known for being one of the few herbs that are thought to have the ability to cross the blood brain barrier to combat bacterial infections, like Lyme. It's also commonly used to support the liver by opening detox pathways and allowing your body to rid itself from toxic compounds. As most bitters are, it's cooling and drains heat from areas that have too much. Another benefit to bitters are their ability to support our digestive tract. Andrographis has been used to aid us with a number of digestive conditions like diarrhea, excess gas, abdominal pain, and even colic. The andrographolides in this herb are shown to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties making it incredible support for our immune systems as well. Many folks have found healing with Andrographis through their autoimmune diseases. While it is commonly used to keep viruses from replicating in the body and supporting the immune system in that way, it is also modulating pro- inflammatory cytokines. Andrographis has also been reveared as an excellent herb to support the bodies mobility, as it's anti inflammatory properties have a direct effect on cartilage and relieving joint pain. Being an adaptogen, Andrographis supports our nervous system and aids in helping our bodies adapt to stress.

Schisandra berries are an incredible adaptogen. Adaptogens help the body adapt to stress, in my opinion that is a huge key in staying well. I've always turned to this herb for mental clarity, adrenal fatigue and so much more. Stress and anxiety wreck havoc on our bodies and have the ability to make an illness so much worse. Schisandra has been shown to help the body produce glutathione on a cellular level (glutathione being a key player in cellular defense so the body can prevent and fight disease). Its a powerful antioxidant, and a powerful anti inflammatory. Its been found to aid with normalizing blood pressure, blood sugar and heart palpitations.




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