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Backwoods Borealis Elixir (alcohol and honey extraction) crafted with Hemlock needles, Birch bark, Red Pine, Chaga and Reishi.

Backwoods Borealis Elixir (alcohol and honey extraction) crafted with Hemlock needles, Birch bark, Red Pine, Chaga and Reishi.

🌲Hemlock has a long history as a highly regarded medicine tree. It's a modulating immune enhancer and loaded with vitamin C. Hemlock also has an affinity for the lungs, and as an expectorant is incredibly helpful for wet boggy coughs. As a diaphoretic, Hemlock can encourage the body to sweat, aiding to reduce fevers. It's been shown to help clear congestion from both the lungs and sinuses, and has anti-microbial properties.

🍄Reishi's mycelium starts fruiting around the Summer solstice when conditions are favorable. This tincture includes Reishi harvested last Summer and was lucky enough to come across an abundance of it. I know I talk about Chaga often, but Reishi is right up there with Chaga as far as medicinal fungi goes. While they generally aren't choice for culinary purposes as they're rather tough and bitter, they have a long medicinal history worldwide and are one of the most studied medicinal mushrooms to date! The two most common types of Reishi are Hemlock Reishi (Ganoderma Tsugae and what is commonly found in the states) and Ganoderma Lucidum (found in China). This Reishi I harvested is the Hemlock Reishi. They're such a beautiful fungi that almost doesn't look real! As with all medicinal mushrooms, extraction is key. Reishi has both water soluble and ethenol soluble compounds. The main water soluble component is it's incredible Polysaccharides which are essential nutrients in supporting immune function on a cellular level. They also have pre-biotic actions on the gut (food for beneficial gut bacteria). These water soluble compounds support autophagy which is essentially cellular cleanup. Cellular cleanup is incredibly important because this function allows for the body to clean up damaged cells and mitochondria which is the quintessential building blocks for cellular regeneration. Build up of these damaged cells makes it hard for our body to perform optimally which then leads to a host of issues. Reishi is rich in triterpenes, an ethenol soluble compound that supports the adrenals and has adaptogenic actions (allows the body to be more resilient and cope with physical and mental stresses) thus supporting stamina, energy levels and mental clarity.

Reishi has been well proven to modulate immune function especially for those with an over active immune system thanks to the beta glucan and triterpenes. Reishi also plays a big role in supporting and balancing histamine responses (great for seasonal allergies and why I use it in our allergy oxymel) and histamine intolerances. As a restorative herb, Reishi has many antioxidants like quercetin, rutin, myricetin, and morin which helps counteract oxidative stress. Another great benefit to Reishi is it's been shown to modulate hormone production. This happens in several ways including aiding with toxin management and removal, hormonal recirculation and stress management.

Reishi has over 400 bioactive compounds, coming together and working synergistically to create a powerhouse of health. Offering anti-inflammatory, antiviral and anti bacterial benefits a long with so much more!

🍄Chaga is a powerhouse for the human body. It's full of powerful antioxidants, and has been shown in many studies to have antiviral, anti tumor, antibacterial, anthelmintic, antiparasitic, and anti-inflammatory properties.

This time honored fungus has been used for centuries in folk medicine. Chaga has been used to support the immune system as an immunomodulator, aid with gastric complaints including gastric inflammation, blood sugar and insulin imbalances (for those who actually produce insulin), cardiac support, liver disease, alleviating hunger, increasing energy levels, maintain healthy hormones, calm the nervous system. I can go on. It's no wonder they call it the king of mushrooms and no wonder our bodies absolutely crave it. Studies have even shown that Chaga hot water extracts have the highest antioxidant effects over any other mushroom extract studied, including Reishi 🤯

This is just informational, sharing traditional use and modern study conclusions! No claims being made 🥰 it's recognized as safe for ages 0-100 and there are no contraindications founds in pregnancy and breastfeeding women (I personally drank Chaga tea every single day through my pregnancy with my sweet daughter, Clover).

Heres a quick breakdown of the Nutritional and Medicinal Content of Chaga:


Dietary fiber

19 of 22 amino acids

Betulin and other triterpenes

Vanillic acid and other terpenes

Betulinic acid and other triterpenoids

Bioflavonoids and other polyphenols

Beta-glucans and other polysaccharides

One of the highest levels of antioxidants found in nature

Micro minerals: antimony, barium, bismuth, boron, chromium, copper, germanium, manganese, selenium, strontium, and zinc

Macro minerals: calcium, cesium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, rubidium, silicon, and sulfur

Vitamins: provitamin D₂, vitamin D₂, vitamin B₁, vitamin B₂, vitamin B₃, and vitamin K₁

One of the best sources of SOD (superoxide dismutase), a powerfully potent antioxidant that protects cells and DNA"

🌲Pine, like Hemlock, is such an incredible medicinal tree. Pine has actually been used across the globe for thousands of years as medicine for everything from coughs, colds and even sinus infections.

Personally, one of my favorite interactions with Pine that nothing compares to is walking into an evergreen forest on a winter day and breathing that beautiful fresh pine scent flowing in the breeze and listening to the unmistakable sound of the wind blowing through the branches and pine needles. That is aromatherapy and sound medicine in itself for me.

Pine needles have been shown to contain an impressive amount of vitamin C and other beneficial compounds that really help to tonify the immune system. It's proven to be anti apoptosis (prevents cell death). It's antimicrobial, anti inflammatory, and a wonderfully gentle expectorant and safe for the whole family, however it should be avoided during pregnancy.

🌲Birch bark (the inner bark). The Birch tree was actually dubbed “White Gold in the Boreal Forest" and has been taughted in TCM as the Russian Ginseng. It's been shown study after study that the betulin compound that birch provides relieves a host of gastric disorders and has powerful immune regulatory effects.

Backwoods Borealis Elixir



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